Commodore 64 Commands, Functions, And Reserved Words: NOTE: The command set of the C64 is less refined and advanced than the one for the Apple II. Almost every command the C64 has is also available on the Apple II (with a few exceptions), while the Apple II has several specific commands which the C64 doesn't. Therefore, the C64 keywords here are not elaborated upon, as they mostly duplicate the Apple II's functionality. ABS AND ASC ATN CHR$ CLOSE CLR CMD CONT COS DATA DEF FN DIM END EXP FN FOR ... TO ... STEP FRE GET GET# GOSUB GOTO IF ... THEN INPUT INPUT# INT LEFT$ LEN LET LIST LOAD LOG MID$ NEW NEXT NOT ON OPEN OR PEEK POKE POS PRINT PRINT# REM RESTORE RETURN RIGHT$ RND RUN SAVE SGN SIN SPC SQR ST STOP STR$ SYS TAB TAN TI TI$ USR VAL VERIFY WAIT