Why Information Science Is Real Truth All over the world, people are constantly looking for knowledge. Aware of the acute truth that it's impossible to learn everything there is to know in one lifetime, people nonetheless seek to learn as much as they can. The more you know, the better life will be, some people reason. This may or may not be true, depending on several factors. Much of the knowledge people attain (and strive to attain), however, is of a questionable value. Many people learn information that is not useful at all; others learn information that is only slightly useful. A great many people learn things that are applicable only in certain specific circumstances, but not broadly applicable to the universe. Many fields of knowledge also deal with information that is of questionable truth. A great deal of history, for example, is based on evidence that is not completely reliable. Assumptions are made based on ancient artifacts that have been discovered or obscure writings which are not entirely understood. Similarly, much of science is based on assumptions which may be incorrect. Indeed, many scientific people have had their scientific theories and calculations shown to be false because of errors in their judgement, or lack of adequate information. Scientists often pride themselves on being highly systematic and logical, yet even they have an imperfect understanding of how the universe works, and so they must make some assumptions that might be wrong. There are many elements of culture which have put forth the idea that, perhaps, the world that we see before us is actually an illusion; that, in fact, the planet Earth does not exist as we have often been told it does, but that we live in a simulated existence with senses that deceive us. This idea has been put forth many times, notably by the philosopher David Hume (whose main thrust was that no matter how many times something happens, this does not prove that it will happen again the next time; therefore, observations which we have made with our senses are not necessarily proof of anything), and the science-fiction movie "The Matrix" (which seems to have drawn much inspiration from Hume). Although there are sayings about believing things that you see with your own eyes, there are also sayings against it: "Don't believe everything you see." People grow to trust their senses and believe that if they see something, it must actually be there. Yet the world is full of examples of optical illusions, which fool our eyes into seeing things that are not really there. Similarly, our ears and other sensory organs can be fooled just as effectively. It all goes to show that verifiable truth is difficult to find in our lives. There are many things we believe, and also many things we suspect but realize that we cannot prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. What, then, can be counted on to be absolutely true and unassailable? It seems that the only things which can be counted upon to be true are ideas. Concepts, not facts. If you see a tree, you may not be able to prove that the tree is really there. However, you can be certain that you are *thinking* about a tree. Even if the tree doesn't exist--even if YOU don't exist, or at least not in the form that you believe yourself to take--you can still feel, see, and process the idea of the tree in your mind. That idea is real and lives in your head, regardless of whether the object of that thought exists physically. Similarly, you can be certain that you are real. Even if you do not have a physical body like you see in the mirror, you can be certain that your conscience somehow is sentient. This is the essense of the famous quote: "I think, therefore I am." This is the only thing the speaker feels sure of. So, we can be sure of a concept. We cannot be sure of "reality". It seems, then, that the most universally true and useful knowledge is the knowledge that relates to concepts, rather than physicalities. If you study chemistry, you will learn that all matter on planet Earth is made of molecules, which in turn are made of atoms, which in turn are made of particles like protons, neutrons, and electrons. This is certainly interesting and potentially useful information. However, how can we be sure this is true all over the universe? Perhaps in other planets or galaxies, molecules don't exist. Maybe matter there is made of other things. Who's to say? The information learned in chemistry is very useful in our world, but may not be universally applicable. On the other hand, imagine the concept of addition. If you add one plus one, the result is two. There doesn't seem to be any way to refute this, even in places which operate under different laws of science than our world. No matter what kind of objects might exist in the universe, if you take a single object, it is one thing. If you take one entity and place it with another, the result is two separate, distinct entities. One plus one is two, and this concept seems universal. Even in worlds where there is no word for the number "two", you'd still have two. You just wouldn't call it that. But the concept of two would remain. The most true science, then, is the science of information. Science which concerns itself with concepts, rather than physical systems, cannot be refuted using any logic we currently know. Information science is also more utilitarian than ever today, because today we have machines that can gather, store, process, and impart information: Computers. Whereas at one time information was left to the processing power of humans--who are often prone to failure in their work with information--computers can automate several aspects of work with information. Ideas can be worked with in ways they never could be worked with before. Information science, then, is the most assuredly real truth. There is no ambiguity in the 1s and 0s that constitute the binary signals that computers work with. In a computer, either something is true, or it is false. Everything equals a certain specific number. And even if there is some ambiguity created by enginering faults (such as a bit that hovers between a low and a high electrical voltage, somewhere halfway between a 0 and a 1), this is still due to a limitation of the physical world, not the conceptual world. Information science seems to encompass mainly computer science and mathematics. Real math is something that can be done without any equipment whatsoever. Unlike physics, chemistry, or biology, which require large, elaborate labs and expensive physical equipment to do anything useful with, math can be done entirely in a person's head, in the realm of thought. Pure information science does NOT include fields like the natural sciences, which are based on observations made in our physical world. It certainly does not include the arts, where shades of gray abound and true or false is made by subjective judgement calls. This is not to say that there is necessarily anything wrong with either the natural sciences or the arts; just that they're not necessarily the truth. Of course, you can't make a living on things which are certainly true. Information science may be sure, but it doesn't seem to impart life. The aforementioned Hume said that the act of eating is irrational, since we cannot be sure that eating food will keep us alive, or that not eating food will cause us to starve to death. Yet people eat anyway. You, too, eat to keep yourself alive, even though when you eat, you cannot be altogether sure that you really are eating, or that doing so is saving your life. Besides, even if you could prove that eating is necessary to live, information would not save you; you would still need food. It therefore seems that it is the role of humanity to proceed in some degree of uncertainty, doing what they can to promote understanding while recognizing that much of what they know is based on things they cannot altogether be assured of. It might also be posited that on some philosophical level that we can't understand, perhaps even concepts can be false. Take, for example, the aforementioned concept of two. Is it possible that somewhere, somehow, you could take one entity, then another entity, and not have two? There's really no way of proving that you couldn't. Similarly, if you see a statement saying "x=5", you feel pretty certain that x is equal to 5. However, is it possible that it might not? Is it possible that x could equal 5, and yet at the same time not equal 5? I can't think of a way to prove that this scenario is impossible. Logic seems to suggest it is, but our understanding of logic may be flawed. Still, with the knowledge and abilities that we currently have, it seems that concepts and ideas are still the only things that can be trusted. The world around us may fool us, but until we have reason to believe otherwise, we are pretty sure that a concept will remain what it is.