I've long advocated a rational approach to thinking about things. Too many people seem to make decisions based on irrational decision-making methods, basing their choices on impulse or simply "what feels right at the time". Many problems which people bring upon themselves could be avoided by simply reasoning out the situation and making an educated decision rather than going with one's gut instincts. Generally speaking, I believe that rationality is the best mindset to adopt. The problem with rationality is that while most decisions can be made rationally, the ultimate decision can't be: The meaning of life. You can rationally decide what food you're going to eat, what car you're going to buy, or what job you're going to work on, but none of these decisions are ends in themselves, but simply means to the end of aiding and sustaining life. The completely rational mindset, then, is forced to ask itself: Why prolong life? Is it reasonable or proper to do so? It happens, however, that life cannot be reasonably justified. Everyone knows that everyone dies eventually, and thus anything that happens in life is only temporary anyway. Given this, does it seem rational or efficient to use up so many resources--including time, effort, and raw physical materials--to merely prolong a life form? Not likely. And so people go on with their lives, justifying all their common sense on the basis of an irrationality: The assumption that life is worth living. It seems likely, then, that for those who are alive, it occasionally becomes necessary to suspend rationality and common sense in favor of some other deciding factor. You can't always analyze every situation; sometimes you've just got to make the most of what you've got by relying on intuition, hope, and fortune. Maybe it doesn't always work, but what other choice do we have? Life itself cannot be rationally justified, but we may rationally arrive at the decision to suspend our logic. If we know full well that life is irrational anyway, we can rationally allow our logical mind to decide to take a vacation--in other words, to suspend our ego and rely on our superego instead. This does not sound very logical, but if you're going to suspend your logic temporarily, at least you can use logic to decide when to do so. So, live reasonably, and use your reasoning to decide when to suspend logic and go a little irrational for a while. Sounds reasonable enough to me, but of course, you should decide for yourself before you come to any conclusions.