E-Mail Formatting: Internet e-mail does NOT support formatting. No matter what anyone tells you, the core Internet protocols for sending e-mail (SMTP and POP) only support sending plain, unformatted ASCII text. The massive popularity of e-mail with colored text which can be made bold, underlined, italicized, etc. is done with HTML. Yes, HTML is the key behind e-mail formatting. Any e-mail with formatting in it is actually sent as HTML text, in the hopes that the receiver's e-mail client can handle HTML-encoded e-mail. Most of them do nowadays, so this is a moot point for end users, but the point is, e-mail itself does NOT have any formatting features, okay? It's all done through HTML code. Note that with most e-mail readers, your e-mail must indicate that the message is HTML formatted. For example, it may have to begin with in order for the e-mail client to recognize it as an HTML document.