How To Secure A Public-Access Web Browser In Win9x: First and foremost, close off the main gateway that leads to just about everything else in Win9x: The Start button and menu. Although you cannot remove the start button completely, you can remove the most damaging components of it. To do this, you need to poke around in the registry under HKEY_USERS\.Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer. There, you can add a variety of DWORD values which can control various aspects of Windows and what it allows users to do. Below are listed some key functions of closing off the Start menu, along with the value names you need to add to achieve that effect. (Set the value to 1 to turn that function on.) The Run command (NoRun) Control Panel (NoSetFolders) The "Find" menu (NoFind) The Shut Down command (NoClose) The Log Off command (NoLogoff) The "Documents" menu (NoRecentDocsMenu) Changing of the Start menu (NoChangeStartMenu) The "Taskbar & Start Menu" settings screen (NoSetTaskbar) You should also disable the icons on the desktop. (Stuff like My Computer is just too potent to leave sitting around.) Do that with NoDesktop. And, of course, you should disable any registry-editing tools with DisableRegistryTools.