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The only catch is that you have to open the gate by waving the scepter, which you can get from the maze under the castle. However, in order to attain a high score at the game, you need to also collect treasures and kill monsters. There are three things you must do to get the perfect score of 1550: First, you must collect all 13 treasures. The game does not allow you to carry this many items at once, but you can "collect" treasures by simply dropping them in the room where you started the game. Secondly, you must kill one of each type of monster in the game. There are two types of monsters that are duplicated in the game, and technically you only need to kill one of each type, but I usually end up killing all 8 monsters in the game anyway just to make walking through the castle easier. Third, you must have entered every room in the game. For this last goal, you do not need to "do" something in every room; you simply need to have walked into the room. Note that in the map rendered above, there are 6 rooms not displayed: 4 for the West Tower and 2 for the East Tower. The following are the treasures in the game: CROWN DIAMOND FANCY GOBLET GEM GOLDBAR HARP HOLY CROSS HOURGLASS JADE FIGURINE NECKLACE RUBYS SCEPTER SILVER BARS The following are the monsters in the game: ANGRY DEMON (There are 2 of these) UGLY OGRE (There are 2 of these) SNAKE BIG SPIDER SMALL SPIDER BAT VAMPIRE You can get rid of the vampire by waving the cross at him. FAIRIES You can get rid of the fairies by playing the harp for them. However, unlike the vampire, who leaves for good, the fairies will come back later. MAGIC WAND The wand is used in 2 places in the game to reveal hidden passageways. You can use it in the sorcerer's quarters (which reveals the room that holds the crystal ball), and you wave it in a room in the maze to reveal the room that holds the scepter. FOUNTAIN You can refill your flask here. Drinking from the flask will heal you. There's also a gem hidden in the fountain. MAZE TRAPS There are traps in the maze. Wearing the necklace will protect you from them. LOCKED DOORS The maze under the castle is barred at both exits by locked doors. Both doors can be unlocked with the key which is found in the king's study. LIBRARY There's a book that you can take in the lower-left region of the left-hand library room. To read it, you will need the glasses. "kb" One of the rooms in the maze under the castle has the initials "kb" in it. These, of course, are the initials of Kevin Bales, the maker of the game.